Tyre fitting providers are not all alike

When you ask Amsuor Service to replace your tyres, we provide a lot of extra value. Tyre selection and positioning advice, skilled and careful balancing and alignment, seasonal tyre storage

Tyre fitting may seem like a routine job, but if it’s done professionally, it can greatly contribute to the economy and safety of your vehicle. That’s why you should always make an appointment with Bosch Car Service when you need tyre replacement or seasonal swapping.

Why Prefer Amsuor Service for tyre fitting?

A decision to use Amsuor Service for tyre fitting will give you a lot of extra value. To begin with, you can trust us to tell you if your tyres still have some life in them. But if you do need a replacement, we will provide personalised and responsible advice on your choice of product. Although we recognise that different customers require a different balance of quality and price, we will never fit an inferior tyre. To do so would be an unfair practice, since tyres of a lower standard wear out more quickly – and you may even be gambling with your safety.

We also adhere to best practice in the positioning of tyres. It is important to ensure that you have four identical tyres on a vehicle, or at least an identical pair on each axle. During the fitting, we may recommend putting your best tyres on the front axle as this is where traction is most important and where most wear occurs.

The real skill in tyre fitting is seen in the wheel balancing and alignment processes. As you would expect, Bosch Car Service tyre changers bring a high level of training and care to both activities. Balancing involves attaching weights to the rim of a wheel. It is intended to ensure that the wheel has an even distribution of weight around its circumference. If you drive with poorly balanced wheels, you will experience a vibrating sensation and the tyres will be harmed. Wheel alignment may also be recommended as part of a tyre fitting, for example if the old tyres had a characteristic wear pattern. You should also ask about it if your steering does not behave normally. When your wheels are aligned with care, you will almost certainly see an improvement in fuel economy as well.

Signs that you need a Tyre Change

The most obvious sign of the need to replace a tyre is excessively worn tread. You could estimate that yourself, for example by inserting a coin into grooves at various points across the surface, then comparing the result to official guidelines. This should be done about once a month. But there is no substitute for a professional opinion, so come and see us if there is any element of doubt. We will use a proper tyre meter to determine whether the tread has worn too much.

You should also keep an eye out for cracking on the wall of the tyre. Even the advanced compounds used in modern products tend to perish over time. So, for example, this is something to look out for when you buy a vehicle with a mileage record that suggests it may have been unused for months or years.

Naturally, if you see any holes, splits, bulges or objects stuck in the rubber when you inspect a tyre, you should ask us for advice. Likewise, if a tyre has remained flat for longer than necessary, we recommend that you come to us for a tyre replacement.